Folder work: Mind

A smile in the Mind is the brief I am currently working on, I took photos of my folder work to show how I work out my ideas through research, sketches and ideas to create my final piece.

In this project I will be creating a leaflet and a business card for a company called 'Mind' this company wants leaflets and cards to be given out to people who are in need of help or know someone with mental health issues such as depression and self harm.


This is part of my design pattern where I use websites like '' to research into fitting typefaces with my projects for example for this project I was looking for type that looks hand written like self harm would be or someone writing for help about their mental health issues. I also looked into hard to read type as people suffering with mental health issues might find it hard to feel their emotions feel numb so its hard to see themselves being happy at the end of it all.

After all the research, gathering information and inspiring images I then sketch any of my ideas on layout paper in rough before taking 2 of my favorite ideas further adding more detail and colour. Here I drew a little black rain cloud raining on 'A Smile in the Mind' symbolizing always having bad days and having their parade rained on. I have also drew faces with blocked out faces or mouths, people may not be themselves when dealing with mental health or might not feel they can speak up about their mental health issues scared of how people would judge, they just want to hide themselves. The funny squiggles on one of my designs should actually be type, a lot of emotions and feelings covering the page with typography with them fading away as they head towards 'A Smile in the Mind' saying that the feelings would fade away with the the company.

 Here are just some of the back of the leaflet ideas where information from the brief needs to be fitted in in a way that would look interesting. I have included thought bubbles, squiggles representing peoples minds feeling all over the place and unable to cope and just a simple neat option of blocks in set rows.

So far in this project I have decided to take the black raincloud idea and is making a start to designing the front of the leaflet.

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