Folder Work: Moulin Rouge

My film brief insisted on me choosing a classical theme of my choice and to create a poster that would be advertising it to be coming out in cinema or DVD soon, I had to try and create the poster without using any existing imagery to create something from nothing. I also had to create a DVD front cover design to match the poster that I will create in this project. I chose to create a poster on the well known movie 'Moulin Rouge' as I have a passion for performing arts as well as design, I thought this would bring more fun and interest into my design.

When choosing the type I looked for any type that looked like it would be used on Broadway or any type that would be found in a circus as the Moulin Rouge had the big dome with a lot of circus themed dancing, costumes and props.

Initial sketch ideas sketched onto layout paper, a lot of diamonds, circles for spot light feel, capital letters to show how big the Moulin Rouge is and fine details are all included in my ideas as to me that sums up the Moulin Rouge's atmosphere and quirkiness through design. 

For the poster design I had to think about if I wanted it to be landscape or portrait and where information and symbols would also be included in the design without it ruining the design or making the type and symbols been forgotten, both had to be equal as long as the Title of the movie stud out above the rest to get more of the readers attention.

Again a lot of tweaks are made at the end of projects however I think this project gave me the most as there is a lot of colours I could choose from, a lot of shapes sizes and typefaces to help give justice to this movie. Fabric was also given a lot of thought in this brief in the end I found some silk and photographed it and turned it into a rich red colour to show the the Indian look that the movie had going on with their clothes styles.

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